Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mellow Autumn

Don't you just love it when you walk into the street in the morning, the air is crispy and the sky is blue? You can smell that autumn has come.

Some ten or even twenty years ago, that autumny breeze used to arrive in around September - when a new term just began, and the delightful weather seemed to give the new academic year a promising start. These days, thanks to global warming, autumn may not befall until November if there is any autumn at all.

It is amazing how weather affects the mood of a city. In summer, when it feels like a steaming kitchen outside but a freezing icebox indoors, our tempers are probably as fluctuating as the varying temperatures - it is easy to hover between the extremes of summer craziness and laziness. Once autumn is here, the mood changes - the city calms down and quietens; the city-dwellers' impatience disappears with the heat, and fine apparels replace loud summery attire.

I can still remember that autumn in Hokkaido, as I walked down the street, my senses fully absorbing the beautiful blue sky, the sweet crispy air and the autumn leaves - my heart was filled with both content and a wisp of inexplicable sadness that is generally associated with the season and, for a moment, I thought that life never felt so concrete before.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


上文談及港鐵喋喋不休的廣播後,竟即在龍應台寫在二十多年前的《野火集》裏讀到一篇文章, 控訴台灣當時的文字污染,可說是非常應景!其中一些精彩段落摘錄如下 :

「道路, 是讓人走的,可是有人覺得路也要發揮宣導教化的功能。於是我們走路時, 眼睛還得忙碌地吸收知識;直的標語、橫的口號,像鞭子一樣抽打在眼睛上 :尊師重道、消除髒亂、兩個孩子恰恰好……。火車,是讓人乘坐從甲地到乙地的,可是一坐下來,眼睛才閉上,耳朵就開始受訓:我們要團結合作、自立自強、努力奮鬥、自新向上,我們要……。信封,是用來裝信郵寄的,一翻過來,跳入眼裡就是『保我民族文化,還我民族自由』、『中國一定強』,我不知道寄張平信與中國一定強有甚麼關係。餐廳,是讓人享受食物的地方,可是一面喝湯,一面就躲不過紅柱上的貼條 :『注重食品安全,講究衛生習慣』,『大聲喧嘩,擾人安寧』。


「好,那麼到青翠的郊外走走吧! 郊外沒有『寫』的污染。 看看遠山,啊,遠山上赫然有幾個巨大的字,由草木剪排而成,不是學校名稱就是偉人的名字。 看山不是山,看水不是水。 那麼看看近樹吧! 近樹,被剪成魚,剪成鳥、兔、烏龜,反正就不是樹。 那麼走到岩邊遠眺吧! 岩邊有個水泥作的涼亭,鮮紅的亭柱上,有字 : 萬惡淫為首,百善孝為先。 到空曠的海邊去吧,海邊應該只有水天無際。 不,海邊有個花枝招展的小廟,廟柱上的文字要人及早覺醒,回頭是岸。

「字字字字字字字,為什麼沒有人抗議字的污染,山不是山,水不是水,樹不是樹。 山、水、樹,對於某些人,似乎都只是宣傳道德思想的工具。......」

— 龍應台 · 《天羅地網》(原載於1986年5月17日自立晚報,後編入《野火集》)
