Sunday, September 26, 2010

Side Lessons from Phaedo

"What is this worst of all evils, Socrates?" asked Cebes.

"That the soul of every man is compelled, through experiencing some extreme pleasure or pain, to imagine that whatever most strongly arouses such feelings is most vivid and real -- although, of course, it is not..."


"Misanthropy comes from putting complete confidence in someone without having understanding, and supposing that the fellow is absolutely true and sound and trust-worthy, and then a little later on finding that he is bad and untrustworthy -- and then doing the same with someone else; and when you have experienced this several times, and particularly at the hands of those whom you might consider your nearest and dearest friends, you finally, after many rebuffs, come to hate all men and to suppose that there is nothing sound in anyone at all...

Then is it not wrong...and clear that such a person is trying to deal with his fellow-men without being an expert in human nature? If he had been an expert, he would have held the correct view, that there are few perfectly good men and few utterly bad, but very many in between."


-- Plato, Phaedo

Saturday, August 7, 2010


「姐雷絲康鋼,尼都堆 mean 於枱...」
轉頭一看,原來是在教一排自由行搭車。這位大叔煲冬瓜,妙在用廣東話發音,配上普通話的聲調,我幾乎沒笑彎了腰! 最要命的,是他那份自信,令我笑他也笑得不好意思!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


The entrance to this chocolatier is hidden in the Fleet Arcade at Fenwick Pier and is easy to miss. The elevator leads to a dimly lit lounge that is less embellished than expected. The large windows overlook the Tamar construction site, which will house the future government headquarters. The highlight is probably the atelier into which one can see from the seating area the chefs at work. The shop displays various products including custom made chocolate thins with customers' company logos printed on them.
Tried a rosemary cheesecake but the herb didn't sit too well with the dessert. Didn't get round to exploring their whiskey and chocolate pairing, which seemed interesting. The place was rather empty for a Saturday evening...

Monday, July 5, 2010



記憶是很奇怪的東西 , 它會在你沒有防備下偷襲;但你要記起點甚麼的時候 , 它又偏不合作 。雖是腦袋的一部分 , 但你就是不能控制它 , 它要讓你記起甚麼,不記起甚麼 , 你也拿它沒法。
例如那個星期一 , 朋友問我在周末做了甚麼 , 我的腦袋一片空白。想呀想,想了許久,才想起周末跟女孩子吃了下午茶,跟男孩子看了場電影。不過是前一天的事,卻差點完全記不起來。

Sunday, June 27, 2010


From top: Jules and Jim, Bay of Angels and Chloe

Some thoughts following a few films watched this month. The inconvenient truth, especially for women, is that youth matters very much indeed.
In Jules and Jim, Jeanne Moreau plays a young and attractive, impulsive if not random woman who spends her lifetime hopping from man to man. So skilled is she at playing the game of romance that she manages to have her husband almost begging his best friend to go after her when their marriage breaks down, so that she would be close by - the husband cannot bear to have her walk out of his life. Hence the incredible threesome in the house. The light touch of the film only emphasizes the fragility and ridicule of relationships. It reminds me of Gloomy Sunday, a film on an incredulous consensual threesome set in Nazi Budapest.
Contrast Bay of Angels, in which Jeanne Moreau is a hopelessly addicted gambler, a woman with a history; to her youth is a thing of the past. And while the character appears in the film in style, and Jeanne Moreau plays the role beautifully, one cannot help feeling sorry for the fatigue with life felt by a woman of her age. In Jules and Jim, you can smell the freedom and abundance of time that come with youth. It therefore comes as a surprise that Bay of Angels was only made a year after Jules and Jim - yet the same actress acted twenty years older.
Chloe is about seduction, suspicion and infidelity. Julianne Moore plays the wife who suspects her charismatic professor husband Liam Neeson has an affair with his student. She hires a girl half of her age (Amanda Seyfried) to seduce her husband to test his fidelity, but which all turn out to be a mistake. A scene still strikes me: when Julianne Moore confesses to her husband the scheme of seduction, she collapses and reveals how insecure she feels every day when she looks into the mirror and sees herself getting old - she "does not know how to seduce him anymore". I stirred. I imagined myself listening to that line say ten or twenty years later weeping.
The conundrum is that by the time we gain the wisdom to treasure youth, youth has passed. By definition, youth is when one has the luxury not to treasure anything at all.

Saturday, June 5, 2010




Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wash your pants when dirty

I bought a pair of Puma pants the other day (in fact, I am wearing them right now) and tagged on them together with the price tag is a pile of little cards carrying Puma's "corporate message". It's all serious business. Under the page "sports lifestyle", the four points highlighted (with diagram illustration) are:
Love your neighbour
Eat more greens
Cheer up it might never happen
Wash this when dirty
And under the page "women", the pants are stated to be suitable for:
Standing at a bus stop
A fun night out
Serious sporting use
Meeting an Ex for tea (by the way why is "Ex" capitalized?)
Some light gardening
Thanks Puma for the suggestions!