Saturday, December 26, 2009




這是追求感官刺激的困境 -- 時下的觀眾,有甚麼沒見過呢,要討好他們,難啊。最先進的科技,更多時間的製作,最多是逼真到跟真的一樣,嘩一聲的讚歎之後,下一次的期望只有越高越難滿足。而且,個人來說,野人怪獸飛禽異卉蠻荒險地戰機炮火的場面,雖令人目眩,卻稱不上悅目。





In love

"...Christianity is supposed to be all about love but it's utterly useless when you're in love. There's not a blind thing you can do about being in love it seems to me except to sit it out. Jesus said love one another. He said the only commandments that matter are to love God and each other. He didn't say that loving, especially each other, tears you to pieces. Might have been better if he had said Don't love one another. Just try and get along with each other and if you feel love coming on go for a long brisk walk like father tells Uncle Edmund..."

-- Jane Gardam, Bilgewater

Saturday, November 28, 2009


















Friday, November 27, 2009

Holding Hands

I cannot forget this scene. They were walking in the street, side by side and close to each other, and there was something in the air. The camera followed them from one side, gliding along at the same pace as they walked. They were on some business, but their steps were light, and the weather was perfect. Then a wall came between the camera and them, and the view was blocked, but the camera kept moving along the wall, so presumably they were still walking behind the wall; and soon it was the end of the wall, and they emerged, holding hands. They were smiling; nothing spoken, but everything understood.
The camera panned upwards, the Old Town Square of Prague came into view, more and more of it, the Astronomical Clock, the Town Hall, and people; they still holding hands, swinging their hands slightly in the same rhythm as their light steps, treading through the tourists, smiling; they becoming smaller and smaller as the camera moved up and up, but not lost in the touristy crowd with their elegant outfit. Beautiful and young (but not too young), held in the hand of newfound love in the centre of Prague, the world was theirs.
The power of screen couple chemistry. May I present to you Rachel Weisz and Adrien Brody, The Brothers Bloom.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


— 王迪詩 · 《蘭開夏道》之〈我為甚麼這樣懶

Monday, October 26, 2009

Korean Ceramics

Only recently did I learn that the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong is actually pretty close to my office, and I never imagined that a ceremics exhibition would be held there. Well, it was, and I went - I thought it would be a delightful stroll during the lunch hour away from the hustle and bustle of the shopping malls below.
It appears that a Culture Center has been established within the premises of the Consulate to promote Korean arts and crafts, and the exhibition was held in that Center. As the elevator doors opened, I was faced with a guard sitting beside a metal detector, one of those you need to walk through as you go through customs in an airport. I was greeted with, presumably, Korean. Seeing my puzzled face, the guard asked in English what he could do for me. I stated the cause of my visit. He examined my bag as I walked through the metal detector. Security checks passed and I entered the Consulate office.
It was small, and the Cultural Center was just two office rooms. One of them was a library, in which Korean books were displayed. The ceramics exhibition was in the other bigger room, but somehow the works were rather casually displayed on open tables, with a price marked against the title and the artist's name of each item, in the range of a few thousand Hong Kong dollars. The presentation there did not quite match the artistic mood of the exhibition poster. I finished looking at the exhibition in less than 10 minutes.
I took a booklet, which contained a beautiful collection of the photographs and detailed descriptions of the exhibits. Browsing through the booklet, entitled "Emanating Grace and Generosity - The Beautiful Story of Korean Crafts", I must say that it did a better job of promoting Korean ceramics than the exhibition itself. I realize how much photography, through the use of lighting and shadows, can help to create an artistic air.
Impressed indeed by the grace emanating quality of the ceramics, as shown in the photographs in the booklet, I somehow think of Japan Video Topics (日本風情畫). It is a series of programmes produced by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to let foreigners have more understanding of Japanese culture, society, technology, environment and so on. It used to be shown on TV in Hong Kong and, perhaps rather oddly, it was one of my favourite programmes. The tranquil style adopted in those series is strangely akin to the sense of serenity I feel in the ceramics photographs.

Saturday, September 26, 2009









回港之後,讀到報章標題「G20取代G8 中國地位提升」。另一份報章訪問曾憲梓,他說了「你看,六四後中國的經濟發展,不是飛黃騰達麼」的發達論。訪問背頁,是該報編制的「建國六十年專輯」,標題為「新中國 歷史瞬間(1976-2009)」,下面圖文並茂列出這三十多年來的歷史事件,其中一幀圖片是「六四經典一幕:青年王維林隻身阻擋坦克」。我掃讀三十年的回顧,眼眶不自覺濕了:能在發達論廣傳的國慶氣氛下,在報上讀到這些史實,其實也不是理所當然的。我想起程翔說過,內地一些新聞工作者冒死爭取新聞自由,香港的傳媒如自我審查,是要羞恥的。

十月一日國慶燒煙花的時候,想想我們在慶祝甚麼。煙火的灰燼背後,我大概會想起北大那敢言的教授,而在心裏放個小煙花 -- 國家仍有像他這樣的人,是值得慶祝的。

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Osaka in spring

The wisdom in Greek myths is awe-inspiring even in the modern age. Punishments, for one, are often so creatively cruel that the message of the tale gets right across.

In one version of the myth, the beautiful nymph Echo had a tendency to talk too much. Echo distracted Hera from Zeus with long and entertaining stories, so that Zeus could take advantage of the moments to attend to other females. When Hera found out, she punished Echo by making it impossible for Echo to say anything other than repeating others' last words. Some application of the tale to office politics?

Echo then fell in love with a vain youth named Narcissus. He is known for his haughtiness in spurning his admirers. One day, Echo followed Narcissus into the woods. She was longing to speak to him but was unable to speak first. She could only foolishly repeat Narcissus' shouting "Who's there?" until, finally, when she revealed herself and was predictably rejected. Echo was heartbroken. Nemesis heard the prayer asking that Narcissus suffer from unrequited love just as he had done to others. Nemesis made Narcissus come across a deep pool in the forest and see his own reflection for the first time, not realizing the image was one of himself. He fell for the reflection and, not being able to act on this love, stabbed himself to death. The flower narcissus sprang from his blood.

What a lovely tale warning people against being cruel to their admirers - the ending was stark comical, yet deserving.

Saturday, August 15, 2009







— 黃碧雲 · 《七種靜默》

* * *


Sunday, August 9, 2009


Another helping of Curtis Sittenfeld after American Wife. Prep is actually Sittenfeld's first novel, and it received mixed reviews - while it was applauded for its strong detail and narration, others criticized it for its weak plot. As I was taken through the life of an ordinary teenage girl in Ault, a prestigious and competitive boarding school near Boston, I was over and over again struck by a number of convincing dialogues (or monologues, rather) - they echoed certain encounters and thoughts of my own so vividly that the experience was almost creepy. I have noted down in here some quotes from the book that have touched a chord; given that they have been quoted out of context, there is a chance they do not appear as persuasive as in the story itself.

Notwithstanding that Prep may be light on plot, it is a truthful, if not cruel, account of issues arising from class, race, sex, family and people that a young girl has to handle in a privileged yet possibly suffocating environment. A word of advice to local parents therefore: before rushing to queue for a place for your child at Harrow School in Tuen Mun, read Prep - at least you'd know what the huge bills may be paying for, and what your child may be learning other than pretentiousness.

* * *

"I was worried someone would notice me, and then when no one did, I felt lonely."

"I'd researched boarding schools at the public library and written away for catalogs myself. Their glossy pages showed photographs of teenagers in wool sweaters singing hymns in the chapel, gripping lacrosse sticks, intently regarding a math equation written across the chalkboard. I had traded away my family for this glossiness."

"I imagined that if I left South Blend, I would meet a melancholy, athletic boy who liked to read as much as I did and on overcast Sundays we would take walks together wearing wool sweaters."

"If I wasn't literally getting dumber, I knew at least that I'd lost the glow that surrounds you when the teacher think you're one of the smart, responsible ones, that glow that shines brighter every time you raise your hand in class to say the perfect thing, or you run out of room in a blue book during an exam and have to ask for a second one."

"I think, looking back, that this was the single best thing about Ault, the sense of possibility."

"It was more when things slowed down, during the parts when you were supposed to have fun, that my lack of friends felt obvious..."

"I believed then that if you had a good encounter with a person, it was best not to see them again for as long as possible lest you taint the previous interaction."

"Of course, now I wonder where I had gotten the idea that for you to participate in a gathering, the other people had to really, really want you to be there and that anything short of rabid enthusiasm on their part meant you'd be a nuisance. Where had I gotten the idea that being a nuisance was that big a deal?"

"I thought maybe this was why you told stories to other people - for how their possibilities enlarged in the retelling."

"But making a lot of money didn't seem like something I'd be able to control; I'd gotten as far as Ault, but I wasn't sure I'd get any further. I wasn't smart or disciplined the way those kids were, I wasn't driven. Presumably, I'd always be aware of lives like these without living one; I couldn't confuse familiarity with entitlement."

"I hated them [family] because they thought I was the same as they were, because if they were right, it would mean I'd failed myself, and because if they were wrong, it would mean I had betrayed them."

"Later, after Ault, I reinvented myself - not overnight but little by little. Ault had taught me everything I needed to know about attracting and alienating people, what the exact measurements ought to be of confidence and self-depracation, humor, disclosure, inquisitiveness; even, finally, of enthusiasm."

"I've never since Ault been in a place where everyone wants the same things; minus a universal currency, it's not always clear to me what I myself want. And anyway, no one's watching to see whether or not you get what you're after -- if at Ault I'd felt mostly unnoticed, I'd also, at certain moments, felt scrutinized. After Ault, I was unaccounted for."

-- Curtis Sittenfeld, Prep

Friday, July 31, 2009


那個下午街上熱得像個蒸籠,我想避一下暑便隨意走進一間小小的服裝店胡亂逛逛,卻在售貨員的慫恿下拿了一襲衣裳進更衣室,試上身後對售貨員的跨獎信以為真,迷迷糊糊的拿了信用卡出來簽賬,竟又給售貨員讚美我的簽名優雅 -- 真要命,讚穿衣好看還好,簽名卻是很個人的一回事,一讚還得了-- 我說不,敝簽名太簡單,太容易被冒簽啦,她再說一遍但真的很優雅啊,好像很由衷的樣子,教天真的我歡喜了一個下午。許久沒遇過這麼棒的售貨員了;今時今日,其實很需要這樣令人賓至如歸的服務態度呢。

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Bells in Hallgrimskirkja, a church in Iceland

I often find it interesting how different civilizations, without communicating with each other in their early stages, came up with more or less the same concepts - for example, marriage as an institution, family as a unit of society; fairy tales, ghost stories; kings, slaves...

But it was only until recently that I realized how bells enjoy a similar sort of universal existence. Bells, I have discovered, are found in churches in the West as much as they appear in temples in the East. Indeed, bells are often connected with religion in different cultures. I find that rather intriguing.

Perhaps a common use of bells is to summon the congregation at the hours of worship. They therefore also serve as reminders of the time, like in clock towers. However, I have also read that chimes from bells are also supposed to make us mindful of the moment as we hear them - to pause, and perhaps to think, but more importantly just to pause - so often are we carried away by our troubles, our desires and the quick pace of life that we are not mindful of our own existence or of the moment.

The purity and simplicity of chimes help us crystallize our thoughts and feel for an instant of inner peace. These days, "mindful living" is becoming chic. There are even "mindfulness bells", downloadable from the web - essentially an audio clock that can be set to chime at regular intervals or randomly, and can be used in the office or at home. It is used to aid meditation and the practice of mindful living by reminding us to pause on the chime.

Sunday, June 21, 2009







重開的影藝,入口仍未裝修好,但富時代感的裝潢,並不似灣仔的影藝。幸好我去當日,仍是偌大的影院裏只有小貓三四隻,讓我重拾那種久違了的靜靜享受電影的感覺。美中不足的是,帶位員的素質有待改善 -- 好幾次她都自顧自盯著銀幕,而竟然不察覺有人進了來,讓觀眾要自己摸黑找了一會,她才追上來,真是。


Sunday, May 24, 2009

The unspoken no

MCGREGOR: Do you believe in God, sir?

HANKS: Father, I simply believe that religion -

MCGREGOR: I did not ask you if you believe what man says about God. I asked you if you believe in God.

HANKS: I’m an academic. My mind tells me I will never understand God.

MCGREGOR: And your heart?

HANKS: Tells me I’m not meant to. Faith is a gift that I have yet to receive.

-- Angels & Demons

* * *

I find the film just so-so , but you've got to love these lines.

Friday, May 1, 2009


許多年後,當他坐擁甚麼門、甚麼山、甚麼碧海藍天的豪宅時,總有一刻,在夜闌人靜的那麼一剎那,正為一單大deal 、孩子的入學或老婆的囉嗦而心煩的時候,憶起年少輕狂的歲月:在大學時代, 那時還未真正懂得人生的甜酸苦辣,卻曾經有這樣的一位女孩,對自己真心地發過山盟海誓;雖然可能有些一廂情願,但那種純潔堅定,比起身旁熟睡的女人手指上的鑽戒,更來得耀眼 -- 周遭的千萬豪裝和潮服,突然變得庸俗不堪。 午夜夢迴,惆悵往往令人措手不及, 因為,這叫人生。


So, CD-players are "out". Not only out, but they are hardly even available in the shops.

I woke up to this fact when I was trying to look for a small bedside radio-cum-CD-player to replace my old radio. I had in mind those portable ones - perhaps an updated version of those radio-plus-tape-and-CD-playing combos that used to be very popular a few years ago.

I checked a number of shops and, to my horror, none of them had such products anymore! Instead, there were many alarm-plus-radio-cum-i-pod / i-phone-players - what people apparently put on their bedside these days.

It appears then that the market expects everyone to have at least an i-pod or an i-phone. Perhaps that is right - when even the Queen uses i-pod, so should everyone else, shouldn't it. In a recent visit to the UK, Michelle Obama gave the Queen an i-pod loaded with specially selected songs as a present. As Michelle Obama is a fashion icon these days, nothing can be more symbolic of the apparent fact that "CD-players are out" than her choice of present to the Queen.

In the end, I managed to find one radio-cum-CD-player set, of some unknown brand, at Fotomax (!). As I couldn't be bothered to load the contents of all my CDs to an i-pod or an mp3-player or a memory stick, and would quite simply like to play a CD directly, I bought the set. It works fine. However, its existence in my room reminds me, constantly, of the "generation gap" between myself and my own generation. What irony.

And for that matter, I think CDs will also be out before long - we may only be able to buy mp3 songs, probably to be loaded to our i-pods at the shops on payment. CDs go to the musuems.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009








中國人有時真是聰明過頭,反被聰明累 -- 早熟地悟出了萬物互相制衡的道理,而過份順應自然,窒礙了科學的發展;文學上講究對仗,令文人窮畢生的精力雕琢造句,留下令世界驚艷的美文,卻走上八股之路。在相對的思維裏追求「絕對」 -- 令人叫絕的對仗 -- 這是自古以來中國人的命運,有時真叫人感到心疼,卻又怪不得誰。

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Oxford? Cambridge

NIXON: We've sat in chairs opposite one another, talking for hours, it seems - days on end - and yet I've hardly gotten to know you. One of my people - ah - as part of the preparation of this interview - did a profile of you, and I'm sorry to say - I only got around to reading it tonight. There's some interesting stuff in there. The Methodist background, modest circumstances. Then off to a grand university. Full of richer, posher types. What was it? Oxford?

FROST: Cambridge.

NIXON: Did the snobs there look down on you too?

FROST: I ... I ...

NIXON: Of course they did. That's our tragedy, isn't it, Mr. Frost? No matter how high we get, they still look down at us ...

* * *

Not so much about the snobs but the fine distinction between Oxford and Cambridge...the correction by Frost in the film is so familiarly awkward that I question myself the need for it whenever I make one. And then I question myself why (I questioned myself). Ah I hate the feeling - such much ado about nothing - yet I can't help feeling that tinge of awkwardness.

Sunday, March 1, 2009







Saturday, January 31, 2009


Just a short note on an inspiring story I read in the local newspaper the other day.

At the peak of his career, Lau was a giant in the printing industry, owning 5 factories, 10 homes, 3 Mercedes and a junk. Hit by SARS in 2003, his firm went bankrupt overnight. He was unemployed for 4 years until he did street cleaning last year. Salute to his ability to put aside his ego to take up a perfectly respectable job but which he probably never dreamt of doing before.

When he tried to apply for jobs with other printers, his former industry competitors thought it was a joke. Not computer literate, he took the trouble to learn from scratch and can now send e-mails. He secured an opportunity with a printer in the Mainland by e-mail.

I think of Churchill's quote during World War II: "If you are going through hell, keep going.". Lau has done it.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

